Sunday, August 22, 2010

There's No Place Like Home!

Dorothy said it best when she clicked her ruby red slippers together, "There's No Place Like Home". That statement couldn't more more honest in my opinion! I am home from the hospital and I missed this place (and my pets) dearly while I was away! I actually arrived back home yesterday, but this is the first time that I've really had a chance to post. I had heart surgery last Monday and spent a few days in the hospital. After I left the hospital, I stayed with Jack's sweet grandparents at their home for a few days while I recovered. I will blog about my surgery experience soon (the good and the bad). Overall, I'm still in a little pain and sore (I have four incision sites), but I think I will have a much better quality of life in no time! It is also becomming a lot easier for me to move around now, so I think I'm healing up nicely. I already have color comming back to my skin now too! It's nice to have rosy cheeks again instead of looking a sickly shade of bluish/white all of the time! On another positive note, I'm down to 1, yes 1 pill for my heart now!! Woohoo!

I go for my post-op checkup on the 31st. In the mean time, I'm just going to take it easy and enjoy spending time at home with my furbabies. The doctor told me that it will take about a month for my incision sites to heal up and around 3 months for the tissue of my heart to heal. I will be taking it easy for a few weeks until I start school again (the next session for my class starts in Oct.). It will take several months of healing for the scar tissue to form in my heart before the doctor will know if the procedure worked, but I'm praying that will be my last surgery for a long time and that this will have erradicated the need for a mitral valve repair (next potential surgery if this one fails..but we're going to be optomistic and look on the bright side and hope it worked!)

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