Monday, September 13, 2010

Macy's Story

She sat, unnoticed at The Humane Society of Memphis & Shelby County for well over 2 years. She was "just another dog" among a myrid of other castaways that nobody in the genral public seemed to notice or care for, other than the HSUS staff that saw potenital in her deep brown eyes. She's much more than a mix to me though. Macy is well mannered, patient, intelligent, a wonderful companion for Ranger and I, and as sweet as they come! I adopted this wonderful little pup on Aug. 28 and I couldn't be happier! She has already started her training classes and is doing wonderful so far! My other dog Ranger adores her and is his happy-go-lucky attitude is doing wonders for bringing her out of her shell and helping to acclimate her to our home. She literally had never been in a house or car before I adopted her, so everything is new for her.

I also have a soft spot for Macy since I have heart issues myself. Macy has some pretty serious heart issues going on. She has a grade 5/6 heart murmur,Patent Ductus Arteriosus, Subaortic Stenosis, Pulmonic Stenosis, Pulmonary Edema, & Cardiomegaly. That's a lot for my little girl! To put it into perspective, it is exceptionally rare for a dog with those conditions to make it past the first week of life, let alone to around 3 yrs of age. Her life expectancy with matinance medications is around 1-2yrs...but she could always suprise us and live longer; you just never know! Despite all of that though, I believe this little angel deserves a wonderful home where she will be loved and comforted for the rest of her life! Macy is such a sweet girl!

Here are a few snapshots from Macy's first days homes:

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