Thursday, November 15, 2012

Ten Things Thursday:

1. Currently debating how much I REALLY want to go to Starbucks right now for a pumpkin spice latte, and if in fact it's worth getting up, putting a coat on, driving there, driving back, and ........there we go....just talked myself out of it!

2. This has been a LOOOOOONG week! I'm looking forward to the weekend's arrival, and a bit of down time.

3. My Christmas orders have been flying lately; which is terrific. That being said, I'm finding it a bit impossible to keep my nails freshly manicured and my hands cut-free! It just goes with the territory. (If you want a custom design piece for the holidays, it's not to late to order one; send me a message!) 

4. I finally had my court hearing on Wednesday over the injury I sustained to my lung and Phrenic Nerve during my heart procedure back in 2010. It's been such a long, long time coming, but I think it went very well. I've honestly just committed it to prayer and am hoping for the best. This injury has really changed my way of life entirely. Please pray I get some good news in a few weeks when I get the final decision in writing. 

5. There is a fine line between having patience with someone, and letting someone walk all over you/take advantage of your kindness. Too often I find that people do the latter to me. The older I get, the more I'm learning that I really can't allow people to just walk all over me. Some people don't mind immediately stepping out and standing up for themselves...I'm a little more laid back in general, so it's not exactly second nature for me to call someone out on their behavior, but I'm learning to set my foot down in an appropriate way.  It's still one of those things that challenges me on a regular basis though. Just an observation from this week. 

6. I feel like Green Day has betrayed my trust in music by allowing their song to be in the upcoming Twilight soundtrack. Kill Me Now! Seriously, what were they thinking?! I mourn the loss of dignity from my favorite band...I've lost all respect for them at this moment.

7. It is so difficult to find a good dog groomer in my city that doesn't charge an arm and a leg, but does quality work. I FINALLY secured an appointment with a lady I've heard rave reviews about....but get this: She's booked up until AFTER Thanksgiving! I was literally able to book my hair appointment (for Tuesday) before the grooming appointment for my dogs. I'm not sure how I feel about that lol...

8. My house is a bit ridiculous when it comes to heating/cooling efficiency. (Bear in mind that I live in a single story). When I turn the heat on to warm my house up, only the front part of my home gets bedroom stays in a current "igloo" state. So frustrating, especially at night! 

9. Nothing sounds more terrific right about now than a fantastic bubble bath,music, candles, fresh nail polish, and a facial mask. I think I shall make that happen! It's been a long week, that seems like the perfect way to unwind a bit. 

10. I got such an exciting package in the mail today! The expression, "like a kid in a candy store" accurately described my reaction to seeing the box on my porch. I can't wait to catch up on my video/blog reviews and post on the goodies that arrived inside of this box! 

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