Thursday, January 12, 2012

My New Years Resolution

I'm a bit behind on posting my New Year's resolution, but nonetheless I wanted to share it with all of you! I find when I make more meaningful resolutions vs frivolous ones, I tend to stick to them and really try. In previous years I've had the same one because I felt it was what I needed to strive for at the time, "Survive and Thrive". I really felt like I strove to do that regardless of the curve balls that life enjoys throwing out at me (the past few years I've been through a lot. I'm happy that for the most part, I try not to let things get me down and I usually keep a good attitude and trudge onward though.) This year I felt that this new resolution really spoke to me in so many positive ways! This year I resolve to "Laugh when I can, Apologize when I should, and Let go of what I can't change." 

What's your resolution?

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